Artistic Expressions Dentistry

Invisalign®: Can Someone Be Too Young or Too Old for Treatment?

Sep 11, 2023 @ 10:39 AM — by Bruce Wilderman
Tagged with: Invisalign

These days, more and more people pick Invisalign® clear aligners for crooked teeth over traditional metal braces. These transparent plastic trays are barely visible when they are worn, allowing patients to undergo orthodontic care without brackets or wires.

People often reach out to our Doylestown, PA, dental office asking if they are good candidates for Invisalign. Specifically, they ask if they are the right age to get Invisalign treatment. The team at Artistic Expressions Dentistry would like to explore how Invisalign can benefit people of different ages.

Invisalign Is Great for Both Teens and Adults

First off, both teens and adults can undergo Invisalign without any problems. We’ve seen Bucks County patients who are 16, 26, and even middle-aged and beyond come in for Invisalign.

Having straight teeth at any age has many advantages for the look of your smile as well as your oral health.

Benefits of Invisalign for Teens

If you’re a teenager, there are a few key benefits to Invisalign:

Benefits of Invisalign for Adults

Many adults get Invisalign as part of a complete smile makeover. There are a couple of reasons why Invisalign has become so popular with young adults and people well into their 30s and beyond:

What About Invisalign for Pre-Teens and K-6 Children?

Yes, Invisalign can sometimes be used to treat children.

This will vary from patient to patient, particularly if they have baby teeth, but Invisalign treatment plans can be developed with kids in mind. If you’re a parent in Bucks County, we can go over potential Invisalign treatment for your child.

Set Up an Invisalign Consultation Today

Are you interested in learning more about Invisalign? If so, we encourage you to contact our dental office in Doylestown. We can answer all of your questions about clear aligner treatment and help you make an informed oral health decision.