Artistic Expressions Dentistry

Causes and Treatments for Teeth Grinding

Mar 8, 2011 @ 09:43 PM — by
Tagged with: Bruxism Teeth Grinding

There are plenty of different dental problems that a person may face. Some involve tooth decay, some involve misaligned teeth, and some may involve much more severe problems involving different parts of the mouth. When it comes to issues with teeth grinding, you may be facing some tooth structure damage as well as pain and discomfort involving the muscles and joints of the jaw. Our Philadelphia cosmetic dentist and the rest of our dental care team would like to take a moment to discuss the basics of teeth grinding and how it can be treated.

Teeth grinding is also referred to as bruxism. Many people do it, actually, though they may not be aware that they grind their teeth. This is because many people grind their teeth when they are asleep. Tension, stress, and anxiety can cause a person to clench their teeth, grind their teeth, or shift their teeth at night.

If you do grind your teeth, there are plenty of symptoms or problems that you may notice. For one, you may do damage to your teeth. This may mean chips, cracks, or a combination of both. You may also suffer from headaches due to the strain in your temples form your jaws working overtime at night. And given that your jaws are working so hard, you may experience pains in the jaw joints or jaw muscles. This can result in a TMJ disorder, meaning painful clicking, popping, or locking of the jaw.

There are plenty of options available for dealing with teeth grinding and its associated symptoms. Your dentist may give you a bite guard to wear at night. This is a mouthpiece that will prevent your teeth from making contact if you are prone to grinding, easing the strain on your jaw and wear on your teeth. For chips and cracks, there are Philadelphia dental crowns, dental bonding, and porcelain veneers. If you develop a TMJ disorder from teeth grinding and that is not remedied by the bite guard, there are other treatment options that may be used.

To learn more about your many options for dental care treatment, please contact our Doylestown, PA cosmetic surgery office today.