Artistic Expressions Dentistry

Best Cleaning Tools for Artificial Teeth

Feb 13, 2020 @ 12:30 PM — by Bruce Wilderman
Tagged with: Oral Hygiene Restorative Dentistry Dentures Dental Bridges Dental Crowns

While dentures, bridges, and dental implant restorations are durable, the oral hygiene tools you use could be doing more harm than you realize. Certain kinds of brushes and toothpastes can wear away dental materials, shortening their lifespan in the process. Like anything else in life, having the right tools for the job is ideal. That’s why Dr. Bruce Wilderman is here to offer some practical oral hygiene advice to people in the greater Philadelphia and Doylestown, PA area.

Below is a list of the best oral hygiene tools for people with false teeth. If you live in Bucks County and want more information on how to enhance the appearance of your smile and keep it healthy for years to come, we can discuss that in more detail when you visit Artistic Expressions Dentistry.

A Soft-Bristled Toothbrush with a Small Head

Let’s start with the toothbrush. Ideally, you should use a soft-bristled toothbrush that has a small head. The soft bristles help prevent wearing down the materials used to make false teeth, helping them get clean without getting damaged. Soft bristles are also delicate on the gums, which is just as important to consider when cleaning your smile. The small toothbrush head will allow you to clean the hard-to-reach parts of your teeth.

A Proxy Brush

Getting into the nooks and crannies around a crown or a bridge can be difficult, even with a toothbrush that has a small head. That’s why you may want to consider a proxy brush. This tiny brush is ideal for the little spaces in and around real teeth and false teeth that toothbrush bristles can’t quite get clean.

Non-Abrasive Gel Toothpaste

Believe it or not, the toothpaste you use can make a major difference to overall dental health. Whitening ingredients soften dental materials, and abrasive ingredients can act like fine-grain sandpaper. We recommend patients use a non-abrasive gel toothpaste when cleaning their false teeth. This toothpaste will still get your mouth feeling fresh and clean, but won’t do unintentional damage.

Many of these toothpastes are marketed as cosmetic dentistry toothpaste, or note that they are ideal for people with veneers and crowns. We can teach you what to look for on the label.

Dental Floss and Super Floss

Flossing is always an important part of fighting tooth decay and gum disease. Flossing at least once a day is essential. You can also use super floss, which is thicker than traditional floss and helps gently brush and scrub those spaces and gaps between and around teeth.

Water Pick Flossing Devices

Finally, you may want to consider a water pick or water flosser to help keep your mouth feeling as fresh as possible. These water flosser devices use a concentrated stream of water to help clear out food particles and plaque that can get stuck between teeth. Some people prefer using water picks to traditional floss given how easy it is to aim and spray.

Learn More About Oral Hygiene and Dental Wellness

If you live in the greater Philadelphia area and would like more information about dental appliances and proper oral hygiene, be sure to contact a skilled cosmetic and restorative dentist. You can schedule a consultation at Artistic Expressions Dentistry in Doylestown by calling (215) 712-8345.