Artistic Expressions Dentistry

How Soda Damages the Teeth

Sep 28, 2019 @ 09:00 AM — by Bruce Wilderman
Tagged with: Tooth Decay Dental Erosion Restorative Dentistry General Dentistry

There are so many foods and beverages that do more harm to our teeth than we realize. Some of these food items are ubiquitous as well. Take soda, for example. Many of us have a soda or two each day, but it can do a lot of harm to your body and your smile. Undergoing restorative dentistry procedures can fix dental problems, but prevention is always ideal.

With this in mind, Dr. Bruce Wilderman would like to consider the dangers of soda and how it can affect your smile. The team at our Philadelphia, PA dental care center will then offer some tips on how you can limit the damage that soda does to your teeth.

The Problem with Soda

Sodas cause plenty of problems when it comes to dental health. Dark-colored sodas (especially colas and root beer) can stain your teeth, making your smile appear discolored and dingy. Yet there are bigger issues, and they all have to do with the sugar content of soda and its carbonation. These two aspects of soft drinks increase your risk of tooth decay and acidic erosion.

Since tooth decay is probably pretty familiar to you by now, let’s first go over the basics of acidic enamel erosion before discussing cavities.

Acidic Enamel Erosion

Acidic enamel erosion refers to the acidity within the mouth causing your tooth enamel to become softer. When your tooth enamel is softer, it wears down sooner. Even something seemingly simple like brushing your teeth could be harmful if your enamel has been softened by acidic beverages.

The carbonation in soft drinks makes them much more acidic than water and some other beverages. Beer, wine, and coffee can also contribute to enamel erosion.

The Effects of Dental Erosion

As the tooth enamel wears down, it exposes the underlying dentin layer of your teeth. This can result in tooth sensitivity, making it painful to eat foods and drink beverages that are hot or cold in temperature. It is similar in some ways to tooth decay in that it negatively affects the structure of the teeth.

When patients suffer from enamel erosion, the team at our Philadelphia dental care center can use various restorations to rebuild missing enamel and protect the underlying structure of the teeth.

Tooth Decay from Excessive Sugar

The excessive sugar content in sodas leads to a whole host of issues, including an increased risk of obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. In addition, the sugar can lead to a heightened risk of tooth decay. Sugary foods and beverages such as soda are notorious for rotting your teeth, which is why intake of soda, candy, and other kinds of junk food should be limited.

How to Reduce the Damage Done by Soda

The best way to reduce the damage done by soda is to follow these tips:

Learn More About Dental Care

For more information about protecting your teeth and gums from serious dental problems, be sure to contact a trusted dentist in Bucks County. You can reach Artistic Expressions Dentistry in the Philadelphia area by phone at (215) 712-8258.