Artistic Expressions Dentistry

Preserve Your Cracked Tooth with Root Canal Therapy

Mar 4, 2019 @ 01:16 PM — by Bruce Wilderman
Tagged with: Root Canal Therapy

Root canals are commonly used to treat advanced cavities. The restorative procedure can also treat a cracked tooth and prevent the need for a tooth extraction.

At Artistic Expressions Dentistry, Dr. Bruce Wilderman performs root canals for cracked teeth at our Philadelphia, PA office. If you are experiencing sudden and severe pain in one of your teeth, you may have a cracked tooth that requires urgent treatment. If addressed early, Dr. Wilderman may be able to save your natural tooth.

How Do I Know If My Tooth Is Cracked?

Whether from injury or normal wear from chewing, a cracked tooth typically causes sudden pain. The pain may be erratic or constant, and is often aggravated while consuming hot or cold foods and drinks.

If you experience any of these symptoms, schedule an appointment with a dentist as soon as possible. A cracked tooth will not naturally heal on its own. In fact, the crack will become worse over time and will eventually compromise the health and structure of your entire tooth.

Will Root Canal Therapy Effectively Treat a Cracked Tooth?

When Dr. Wilderman examines your tooth, he will check the location and extent of damage caused by the crack. Superficial cracks along the outer enamel, known as craze lines, generally do not require treatment.

If a more significant crack has developed, but not yet reached the gum line, root canal therapy may be performed.

If the crack extends from the crown down through the gum line and into the root, the tooth may need to be extracted. This is one reason why early treatment is critical to saving a cracked tooth.

The Root Canal Therapy and Crown Placement Process

During your root canal procedure, Dr. Wilderman will use a computer-assisted anesthesia system to control the rate and flow of anesthetic.

Once you are comfortable and the treatment area is completely numb, Dr. Wilderman will drill a small hole through the top of the tooth to access the inner pulp. He will then remove the inner tissue, reshape the root canals, and sterilize the chamber before filling the opening with a rubber-like substance to fortify the tooth.

A tooth-colored filling may be used to cover minor to moderate damage. In most cases, however, Dr. Wilderman may recommend a dental crown to complete the restoration of your cracked tooth. Our practice offers porcelain dental crowns that look and feel like natural teeth.

Following the root canal procedure and placement of a dental crown or filling, you should notice immediate relief from pain. More importantly, the treatment will reduce the likelihood that the crack will spread. Once the process is complete, the treated teeth should continue to function normally, as it did before the crack occurred.

Call Artistic Expressions Dentistry Today

If you are experiencing the symptoms of a cracked tooth, seek immediate dental assistance. An untreated tooth could lead to an abscess or further damage that can result in the need for tooth extraction.

Undergoing root canal therapy is one way to save your tooth and end the pain associated with a cracked tooth. If you believe you may have a cracked or damaged tooth, contact our office online or call (215) 340-1199.