Artistic Expressions Dentistry

How Poor Oral Health Can Lead to Dental Implant Failure

Dec 6, 2017 @ 11:30 AM — by Bruce Wilderman
Tagged with: Dental Implants Missing Teeth

At Artistic Expressions Dentistry, we are proud to offer the people of Philadelphia the latest in cosmetic and restorative dental care options. When patients are missing teeth, for instance, we may recommend custom bridges and dentures, or the use of dental implants. We work hard to ensure that the implants themselves and the dental implant restoration look natural and function just like your normal teeth would.

In order for patients to experience all the benefits of dental implants, they need to follow instructions for good oral hygiene. Let's cover some of the basics with regard to this implant dentistry topic.

About Implant Dentistry

Implant dentistry is an excellent solution for people who are missing a tooth or multiple teeth. Oral surgery is performed to anchor an implant into the jawbone and gum tissue of the tooth gap. When in place, the dental implant functions much like a natural tooth root, allowing it to support a dental crown or a dental bridge; multiple implants can be used to support a more extensive bridge or even a full set of dentures.

How Long Does Post-Op Healing Take?

Post-op healing after oral surgery takes about two weeks, but the whole recovery process will require months. This is because the dental implant needs to fuse with the jawbone, process known as osseointegration. Only when osseointegration has occurred can the dental implant properly support an implant restoration.

If you suffer from poor dental health during this healing period, you may put the entire implant dentistry process at risk.

The Dangers of Poor Oral Health

Below are some dental health problems and the dangers they can pose for dental implant patients.

If a combination of the above dangers occur, you may run a particularly high risk of dental implant failure. Be sure to see your dentist about any issues you encounter after undergoing oral surgery to have a dental implant or multiple dental implants placed.

Tips for Good Oral Hygiene and Treatment Success

In order to ensure good oral hygiene and implant dentistry success, consider the following tips for treatment:

Learn More About Dental Implants

For more information about dental implants and how they can help you smile with renewed confidence, be sure to contact an experienced cosmetic and restorative dentist today. The team at Artistic Expressions Dentistry will work with you to ensure excellent results and ideal outcomes.