Artistic Expressions Dentistry

What to Expect during Your Gum Contouring Recovery

Sep 6, 2017 @ 09:00 AM — by Bruce Wilderman
Tagged with: Gum Contouring Cosmetic Dentistry Laser Dentistry

Gum contouring can have tremendous benefits for your overall appearance, as well as your self-confidence. Simultaneously, it is a simple, minimally invasive procedure. At his Philadelphia, PA practice, Dr. Wilderman uses a state-of-the-art diode laser to trim off excess or uneven tissue. The tool will seal your blood vessels even as it reshapes your gum line. Thus, the treatment will cause little discomfort, and your recovery will be remarkably fast.

Nonetheless, to achieve optimal results, you should follow a few simple guidelines during the healing period. Dr. Wilderman will explain the proper protocol at your initial consultation. Of course, he is always available to answer your questions after your procedure, as well.

Your Recovery Timeline

After gum contouring, you may want to take it easy for the rest of the day. Typically, you can return to work the following day, but you should avoid strenuous exercise, especially heavy lifting, for a bit longer. Dr. Wilderman will guide you in returning to your normal workout routine. In most cases, you will be back at the gym within the week.

While the laser will greatly reduce any discomfort after gum contouring, you will likely experience some minor inflammation and sensitivity. These side effects will subside in a few days. In the meantime, mild anti-inflammatories, such as ibuprofen, are usually enough to combat any sensitivity.

When Will You See Your Final Results?

Immediately after gum contouring, your teeth may look bigger and more even. The results will become even more apparent as swelling goes down. Thus, you will enjoy the final results from your gum contouring treatment a week or so after treatment.

Caring for Your Gums after Your Procedure

It is important to keep your mouth clean after gum contouring, as this will help to prevent infection. A saline rinse is one of the most effective steps. Mix a teaspoon of salt with eight ounces of water and a small amount of hydrogen peroxide. Use the rinse several times a day, particularly after meals. Additionally, you should be very cautious when brushing your teeth, especially in the front of your mouth where any tissue has been removed.

Post-gum Contouring Diet

You will probably need to modify your eating habits for a few days after gum contouring. A liquid diet is unlikely, but you should choose soft foods initially. In particular, you should avoid anything with small pieces, like nuts and seeds. The tiny particles can easily irritate your gums or become trapped in the sensitive tissue. Further, spicy foods will often inflame your gums, so you should avoid these, as well. In most cases, you can gradually resume your normal diet over the next few days. However, Dr. Wilderman will provide specific, personalized guidance after your procedure.

Contact Us to Learn More about Our Advanced Cosmetic Dentistry

With our technology and Dr. Wilderman’s commitment to gentle, precise treatment, gum contouring recovery is very easy. Contact our office online to learn more about this procedure or to schedule your first appointment.