Artistic Expressions Dentistry

Restore Oral Health with Dental Abscess Treatment

Aug 14, 2017 @ 12:26 PM — by Bruce Wilderman
Tagged with: Restorative Dentistry

A dental abscess is a painful, serious oral health problem. Seeking treatment at the first signs of an abscess is essential to save the affected tooth from extraction and protect overall health. Restorative dentistry treatments from Dr. Bruce Wilderman can treat such conditions as dental abscesses, reducing pain and improving oral health. To find out if dental abscess treatment is right for you, contact our Philadelphia, PA offices to schedule a consultation at your earliest convenience.

What Is a Dental Abscess?

A dental abscess is a collection of pus that develops around different areas of the tooth as a result of a bacterial infection. Dental abscesses, also called periapical abscesses, commonly occur at the tip of the tooth's roots. 

Periapical abscesses usually develop as a result of an oral injury, previous dental work, or an untreated dental cavity that allows bacteria to infect the inner pulp tissues of the teeth, tissues that include the tooth's blood vessels and nerves.

Signs and Symptoms

The signs and symptoms of a dental abscess are hard to ignore and include:

The Importance of Seeking Treatment

At the first signs of a dental abscess it's important to seek treatment. Without treatment, the infection from an abscess can spread beyond the roots of the teeth and into the jaw, neck, or other areas of the head. In severe cases, the infection may spread throughout the body and develop into a life-threatening illness called sepsis.

In addition to the risk to overall health, dental abscesses can cause tooth loss, either from the tooth falling out on its own or from extraction.

Restoring Oral Health with Dental Abscess Treatment

The goal of dental abscess treatment is to eliminate the infection first, since it can be life threatening, and to save the affected tooth. Treatment for a dental abscess may include one or more of the following treatments:

Find out Which Treatment Is Right for You

If you are suffering from a dental abscess, don't put off treatment any longer. Abscesses are dangerous not just to oral health but to overall health as well. To find out which treatment is right for you, we encourage you to schedule a consultation with Dr. Wilderman