Artistic Expressions Dentistry

Preserve Your Smile with Hyperdontia Treatment

Nov 16, 2016 @ 10:00 AM — by Bruce Wilderman
Tagged with: General Dentistry Restorative Dentistry

The development and eruption of additional teeth, outside of the standard 20 primary or 32 permanent teeth, can cause pain and discomfort, as well as misalignment of your other permanent teeth. To alleviate discomfort and prevent shifting of the teeth, Dr. Bruce Wilderman offers hyperdontia treatment as part of our restorative dentistry services at our Philadelphia, PA, dental practice. By eliminating excess teeth, Dr. Wilderman can also prevent your risk of developing tooth decay and gum disease as a result.

What Is Hyperdontia?

When there are one or more excess teeth present, in addition to the standard set of primary or permanent teeth, the condition is referred to as hyperdontia. This condition is fairly common and is easily treatable. These extra teeth are referred to as supernumerary teeth and can occur in the upper or lower part of the jaw. The most common example of supernumerary teeth are wisdom teeth.

Causes of Hyperdontia

While hyperdontia has not yet been definitively linked to a single cause, there are certain environmental factors, diseases, and conditions that may put you at a greater risk. These may include:

Why You Should Seek Hyperdontia Treatment

If you or your child have one or more supernumerary teeth, they can cause a variety of different oral health problems. Some of the problems you may experience with hyperdontia include:

How Is Hyperdontia Treated?

The treatment for hyperdontia will vary depending on the stage of eruption of the supernumerary teeth. If the teeth have not yet erupted, or have not fully erupted, surgical extraction is required. If the tooth or teeth are fully erupted, the extraction process is much simpler. The location of the supernumerary tooth or teeth and their effect on the permanent teeth may impact Dr. Wilderman’s decision to perform an extraction. Unfortunately, in some cases, extracting the extra teeth can cause more problems than leaving the teeth in place.

If Dr. Wilderman decides extraction is an appropriate treatment, he will provide you with local or general anesthesia. Erupted teeth are carefully loosened and removed with special dental tools. Partially erupted or impacted teeth will require Dr. Wilderman to create incisions to access the teeth below the gum line. Impacted teeth may be removed in pieces rather than as a whole.

If your hyperdontia had begun affecting the alignment of your permanent teeth, Dr. Wilderman may recommend an orthodontic treatment such as Invisalign®. This treatment will gently and gradually move your teeth back into proper alignment.

Schedule an Appointment Today

If you have developed an extra tooth, contact our office to schedule an appointment to discuss your hyperdontia treatment options.