Artistic Expressions Dentistry

Common Dental Treatments for Seniors

Apr 4, 2012 @ 10:20 AM — by Bruce Wilderman
Tagged with: Gum Disease Restorative Dentistry

As we grow older, many of us develop dental problems. Tooth decay, missing or broken teeth, and other common issues can be painful and affect a person's ability to eat. Senior citizens now have a variety of dental treatments that can reduce pain, improve function, and create a more beautiful and youthful smile.

Our Philadelphia cosmetic dentist is experienced in working with senior citizens on a wide range of dental problems.  Seniors who are having dental issues can feel confident in our dentist's ability to provide them with proper and compassionate care. Our skilled dental professionals will carefully evaluate your individual medical condition and work with you to find the most appropriate dental treatment to achieve the best results in your case.

Causes of Dental Problems in Seniors

Dental care for seniors requires a unique and specialized approach, as the causes of their dental problems tend to differ from those experienced by children, teens, and younger adults. Some of the causes of senior dental problems include:

Common Senior Dental Treatments

Seniors may face dental issues that require treatment. Tooth sensitivity is common among seniors and can be caused by a loss of enamel, gum recession, exposed roots, or deterioration of the roots. Treatments for tooth sensitivity include use of special toothpastes and mouthwash, gum grafting surgery, or the placement of dental crowns to protect existing teeth.

Seniors also are more likely to develop gum disease, since they may not be practicing proper dental care. Gum disease is a dental condition that seriously damages the gums and bone that support the teeth. Treatments for gum disease include planing and scaling, pocket reduction surgery, gum and bone grafting surgery, and the placement of dental restorations,

Seniors that are missing teeth or have existing teeth in poor health should schedule an appointment with our Philadelphia dental implants experts so we can determine which dental restorations will restore the function and beauty of your smile. Some of the most common dental treatments for seniors include:

Contact our Philadelphia Cosmetic Dentist

Our dental practice is designed to serve senior citizens who may be facing dental problems as they get older. Whether you need full or partial dentures, tooth extraction, or other dental services, our skilled cosmetic dentist has the training, experience, and equipment to serve you. If you are a senior citizen, the child of a senior, or a caretaker of a senior who is facing dental issues, we encourage you to contact our office today to schedule an initial consultation and learn what dental options you might have. We look forward to hearing from you and helping you improve your oral health.