Artistic Expressions Dentistry

Do Veneers Look Real or Fake? Here's a Dentist's Expert Opinion

Mar 17, 2023 @ 01:49 PM — by Bruce Wilderman
Tagged with: Veneers

One of the best ways to enhance the appearance of your smile is custom-designed and color-matched dental veneers. These thin shells can cover all kinds of cosmetic flaws and give you a beautiful smile in the process.

Despite great results, many people ask us, “Will my veneers look natural?”

The answer is yes. However, Dr. Bruce J. Wilderman and his staff in Doylestown, PA, want to give you a more detailed answer about how we arrive at natural-looking results with dental veneers.

How Dental Veneers Work

First off, here’s how veneers work.

A small amount of tooth structure is removed from the front of a tooth. A custom-crafted veneer is used like a mask on the front of the tooth to conceal cosmetic flaws.

What Helps Veneers Look Like Real Teeth?

There are three main things that help veneers appear indistinguishable from natural teeth and tooth structure.

1. The Importance of Veneer Color-Matching

Poor color matching can make veneers stand out. The wrong shade of white is a giveaway that someone has had dental work done on certain teeth. When developing any kind of treatment plan, we make sure that the veneers are a good match for surrounding teeth that do not require veneers.

2. Semi-Translucent Veneer Materials Make a Difference

If you look at your teeth in a mirror, you notice that they are semi-translucent. Veneer materials have a similar quality and react to both natural and artificial light a lot like tooth enamel does. This careful attention to detail allows veneers to look natural once they are in place.

3. Ultra-Thin Design Helps with Seamless Results

We only need to remove a fraction of a millimeter from the front of a tooth to get a veneer in place. The ultra-thin veneer slides on seamlessly so it doesn’t look bulky or protrude outward in any unnatural way.

Can People Tell If I Have Veneers?


Many patients who have received veneers from our Doylestown dental office have told us that their friends, relatives, and co-workers can’t tell that they have veneers in place. Sure, they may notice a brighter smile, better tooth alignment, and improved symmetry to the teeth, but the veneers look real.

To put it another way, patients look like they’ve had some dental work to people who knew them before treatment, but the results of that treatment look just like a natural smile.

Veneer Alternatives for a Comprehensive Smile Makeover

Veneers pair well with multiple cosmetic treatments.

For serious tooth discoloration, we may perform teeth whitening first and then create custom color-matched veneers as needed to treat other kinds of aesthetic flaws. Invisalign® could be used to straighten crooked teeth, with veneers placed at the end of treatment to really complete the smile makeover.

If you have multiple cosmetic issues that need treating, we can determine if veneers are the right option for you or if they are just one part of a multi-faceted solution.

Find Out If Veneers Are Right for You - Contact Our Office Today

Want a makeover for your smile with results that look totally natural? Veneers may be the answer. To discuss your treatment options, contact our dental care clinic in Doylestown. We’re proud to enhance smiles all over Bucks County.