Artistic Expressions Dentistry

Does Artistic Expressions Dentistry Offer Emergency Dentistry for Kids

Jun 2, 2020 @ 09:00 AM — by Bruce Wilderman
Tagged with: Emergency Dentistry

Urgent dental problems require the skills of an emergency dentist to restore oral health and prevent serious complications. If you are experiencing a dental emergency, you can count on Dr. Bruce Wilderman to provide you with prompt relief and effective dental care.

As any parent knows, kids are prone to accidents. Dr. Wilderman will treat your child’s injury or dental problem with compassion and gentle care. Many parents trust our emergency dentistry services for kids because we can repair a chipped tooth or an advanced cavity. Our family-friendly dental practice serves Philadelphia, PA, Doylestown, PA, and other areas of Bucks County.

Common Childhood Dental Emergencies

Some dental problems can occur at any age, but children tend to be more accident-prone than adults. Dr. Wilderman can address a wide range of dental problems at his Philadelphia, PA, dental practice.

Advanced Cavity (Toothache)

Baby teeth are vulnerable to cavities, often as the result of a high-sugar diet or poor oral hygiene habits. By the time a cavity causes oral pain, it is typically fairly advanced. Toothaches should be reported to our office immediately. Dr. Wilderman can treat most cavities by using tooth-colored fillings to restore one or more of your child’s teeth.

To ensure that your child experiences minimal discomfort, our office offers a unique local anesthesia delivery system called The Wand®. The device numbs the treatment area without the need for painful injections.

Bitten Lip or Tongue

Children lead active lives that can lead to a fall or an impact that results in a bitten lip or tongue. A small bite is usually not a cause for concern. The inside of the cheeks and tongue are highly vascular, so bleeding is expected. If it’s a minor bite, sucking on an ice cube or popsicle can reduce bleeding and discomfort.

A wet towel pressed against the injured area can also control bleeding. If you have concerns about your child’s bitten lip or tongue, give our dental office a call so a member of our dental team can help determine how serious the bite is.

Broken, Chipped, or Fractured Tooth

A damaged tooth often occurs from an accident, but children can also experience a broken tooth as the result of untreated tooth decay. Any physical damage to your tooth requires immediate attention, even if a child says his or her tooth doesn’t hurt. Untreated chips and cracks can lead to heightened sensitivity, tooth decay, and oral pain.

Knocked-out Tooth

Not surprisingly, children are prone to accidentally knocking a tooth out. If your child experiences this type of dental injury, find the tooth and be careful to only handle the crown of the tooth (the visible portion rather than the root). Rinse the tooth off in water and place it in a container of milk if possible. Call our office immediately and make plans to arrive at our dental practice soon.

Tips for Preventing Childhood Injuries

Many accidents are unavoidable, but certain precautions, like wearing a mouthguard and seatbelt can greatly reduce your child’s risk of dental injury. Regular cleanings and exams at our office allow Dr. Wilderman to look for signs of dental problems before they progress into emergencies.

Contact Us for More Information

If your child has sustained a dental injury or is experiencing tooth pain, call our office immediately at (215) 340-1199. If you have questions about our pediatric services, you can contact us online anytime.