Artistic Expressions Dentistry

Differences between Electric and Traditional Toothbrushes

May 24, 2020 @ 01:12 PM — by Bruce Wilderman
Tagged with: Dentist

When it comes to choosing a toothbrush, your options are vast. Your toothbrush is your personal protection against the onslaught that food, bacteria, and plaque wage on your smile, so it is important to choose wisely.

At Artistic Expressions Dentistry in Doylestown, we offer oral hygiene advice to people all over Bucks County and Philadelphia, PA. No matter what your unique dental health needs, we can help. That’s why dentist Bruce Wilderman is here to discuss electric vs traditional toothbrushes. Let’s explore the pros and cons of each.

Advantages of Electric Brushes

Electric brushes are all the rage these days. Here are just a few of the reasons that so many individuals choose electric toothbrushes.

Optimal Effectiveness

Electric brushes have been shown to effectively remove plaque and tartar from teeth. The intense vibrations help remove food and debris effectively.

Helpful for Those with Limited Dexterity

Because electric brushes do the hard part for you, they are exponentially more effective for those with arthritis, carpal tunnel, or other medical conditions. If you have difficulty brushing your teeth, an electric brush could be an excellent option for you.

Built-in Timer

One of the best parts about electric toothbrushes is that they often include a brush timer. This way you know you are brushing your teeth for enough time, every time.

A Kid-Friendly Option

Getting your kids to be excited about brushing has never been easier. There are numerous kid- friendly electric models with bright colors and lights.

Disadvantages of Electric Brushes

The most notable disadvantage of electric brushes is that they are more expensive compared to manual ones. It can also be more difficult to find replacement heads, as well.

However, most patients who purchase an electric toothbrush agree that it is well worth the investment.

Advantages of Traditional Brushes

Tried and true, the traditional toothbrush has been around since 600 A.D. The design has improved greatly through the centuries, as manual brushes are still used by many. Below, we will explore some of their advantages.


Manual toothbrushes typically cost less than five dollars. This makes them incredibly affordable compared to their electric counterparts.


Did you forget your toothbrush at home? No problem. You can buy a traditional toothbrush at almost any pharmacy, gas station, convenience store, or department store.

No Need for Electricity

A traditional toothbrush does not require electricity or recharging. Therefore, you can use it anywhere, anytime.

Disadvantages of Traditional Toothbrushes

Some experts believe that manual brushes increase the risk of aggressive brushing. When you brush too hard, it can damage the teeth and gums.

Furthermore, traditional brushes do not have a timer built in, which means some people may be brushing regularly, but they aren’t spending enough time to really get their teeth clean.

Technique is Key

No matter which option you decide on, your brushing technique is incredibly important to keeping your smile healthy. Use an even, circular motion over your teeth. Brushing for a full two minutes will ensure you reach every spot.

Contact Our Practice for More Information

If you are still unsure about which type of toothbrush to get, Artistic Expressions Dentistry is here to answer any questions. Take charge of your oral health and give us a call today at (215) 340-1199. You can also go here to schedule an appointment.