Artistic Expressions Dentistry

Emergency Root Canal Therapy

May 13, 2020 @ 09:00 AM — by Bruce Wilderman
Tagged with: Root Canal Therapy

Root canal therapy repairs a badly decayed or infected tooth. The restorative procedure removes infected tissue from the tooth’s inner pulp. Once the tooth is cleaned and sealed, your oral health will be restored.

Root canal therapy should be performed by an experienced emergency dentist. Dr. Bruce Wilderman stays up-to-date with training on restorative and emergency dentistry. If you live in Philadelphia, PA, Doylestown, PA, or another area of Bucks County, and are experiencing the sudden onset of oral pain, you may need emergency root canal therapy to restore your oral health.

What Is a Root Canal Infection?

The inner chamber of a tooth contains blood vessels, nerves, and other soft tissues. Tooth decay or trauma can allow bacteria to reach this sensitive inner area. Once infection reaches the tooth’s pulp and root canals (thin, hollow canals inside the tooth roots), endodontic treatment is needed to restore oral health. Root canal infections typically spread quickly.

Symptoms of a Root Canal Infection

The most common symptom of root canal therapy is intense oral pain. The soft tissue inside the pulp will swell in response to the presence of an infection. Since there is nowhere for the swelling to go, pressure builds inside the pulp. The swelling places pressure on the nerves inside the tooth, which results in oral pain.

Other symptoms include:

If you experience symptoms of a root canal infection, call our office at (215) 712-8704 immediately.

Root Canal Overview

Your root canal infection will be treated as a dental emergency. Once you arrive at our dental practice, Dr. Wilderman will immediately tend to your comfort. Dr. Wilderman uses an advanced anesthesia delivery system called The Wand®. The advanced device numbs the treatment area without the need for painful injections.

Once you are comfortable, Dr. Wilderman will create a hole in the tooth so he can reach the infected tissue inside. Once all of the decayed and infected tissue is removed, your tooth will be filled with a rubber-like material called gutta-percha.

You will then be fitted with a temporary restoration while your pre-formed filling or dental crown is fabricated. Once your restoration is ready, it will be placed using a strong cement.

What to Expect during Your Recovery

Your tooth may feel sensitive in the days following surgery. Most patients can manage discomfort using over-the-counter medications like ibuprofen or naproxen. You should rest for the remainder of the day following your root canal treatment.

If you have a temporary restoration placed, try to avoid putting pressure on that tooth. You may need to chew on the other side of your mouth as much as possible. Most people are able to return to work the day after a root canal.

Schedule Your Dental Emergency Visit Today

A root canal infection is always treated as a dental emergency. You can trust Dr. Wilderman to provide prompt and effective care while keeping your comfort in mind.

If you are experiencing signs of a dental infection, please do not hesitate to call us at (215) 712-8704 or to contact us online.