Artistic Expressions Dentistry

Emergency Dentistry for Missing Teeth

Oct 29, 2019 @ 12:30 PM — by Bruce Wilderman
Tagged with: Missing Teeth Emergency Dentistry Restorative Dentistry

If you’ve lost a tooth to decay or long-term wear and tear, there are plenty of treatment options available. But what about tooth loss after an accident or injury? In these cases, you should consider emergency dental care services. We’ve helped patients in Philadelphia, Bucks County, and Doylestown, PA by fixing fractured teeth and even saving knocked out teeth.

Dr. Bruce Wilderman would like to consider some basics when it comes to emergency dental care for missing teeth. We can discuss this more when you visit Artistic Expressions Dentistry for a consultation.

Should I Seek Emergency Medical Attention First?

This is the fundamental question you should answer after any kind of incident that results in tooth loss. Your general wellness is of the utmost importance.

If you have sustained serious injuries to your face, head, and other parts of your body, your primary focus should be on immediate emergency medical care rather than emergency dental procedures. In such instances, call 911 or visit an emergency room ASAP.

If the injury you experienced is generally a dental issue that involved dislodged or fractured teeth, that’s when seeking emergency dental care is an ideal option.

Locating the Dislodged or Missing Tooth

Say that you’ve suffered a dental injury that has resulted in tooth loss and you are well enough to get emergency dental treatment. The first step is to locate the dislodged tooth or tooth fragment.

If you cannot locate the tooth or tooth fragment, you can still undergo emergency dental care, but the dentist will not be able to save the tooth if it is not present.

Cleaning and Preserving the Missing Tooth

If you’ve located the tooth, it’s important to rinse it off and store it so it is safe. Hold the tooth by the crown (the top of the tooth). Ideally, rinse the tooth off with milk. Water can be used to rinse if you do not have milk available.

Can You Resocket the Tooth That Was Knocked Out?

Once the tooth is rinsed off, see if you can place it back in its socket. Gently put it back into its right place. If the tooth can be put back in the socket, keep it there and seek dental treatment.

If the tooth does not resocket, do not force it or push it back into place. There are other options for storage to keep the tooth clean and ready to be saved.

Storing the Knocked Out Tooth

There are two good options to consider if your knocked out tooth will no longer fit in its socket. In such cases, you can:

Both of these options will avoid the tooth from drying out and improve the chances of it being saved.

Can My Tooth Be Saved?


A dentist will need to examine the tooth and whether or not it can be fit in place. A root canal will need to be performed on the tooth if it can be saved. A splint could be used to help keep the knocked out tooth or teeth in place.

What If My Tooth Cannot Be Saved?

If your tooth cannot be saved, there are some options for tooth replacement that may be recommended, such as a dental bridge or a partial denture. Dental implants could also be discussed depending on your needs and candidacy.

Learn More About Treating Tooth Loss

If you live in the greater Philadelphia area and would like to learn more about what to do after losing teeth and how we can help you, we encourage you to contact a skilled cosmetic and restorative dentist. You can reach Artistic Expressions Dentistry in Doylestown by phone at (215) 712-8704.