Artistic Expressions Dentistry

How Porcelain Veneers for Gapped Teeth Can Improve Your Smile

Mar 8, 2018 @ 03:22 PM — by Bruce Wilderman
Tagged with: Porcelain Veneers Gapped Teeth Spacing Between Teeth

Spaces between the teeth – or diastema – are common. While they are seen as a personal trademark for some individuals, many patients desire to close down the gaps for a more uniform, balanced smile. Oftentimes, patients think the only way to treat this issue is through orthodontic treatment with braces or Invisalign®. At Artistic Expressions Dentistry in Philadelphia, PA, Dr. Bruce J. Wilderman places porcelain veneers for gapped teeth. Porcelain veneers are ultra-thin, custom restorations that can close down spaces and accentuate your smile.

Porcelain Veneers: An Overview

Custom-crafted in a dental lab by a ceramist, porcelain veneers are designed to be bonded to the front surfaces of the teeth. In order to place them, small amounts of enamel must be buffed away for a proper fit. These restorations need to be replaced every so often. Currently, porcelain veneers last approximately ten years. As dental materials continue to improve, they may last longer as time goes on. In addition to correcting gapped teeth, porcelain veneers can also address misshapen teeth, discolored teeth, and more.

Who is a Candidate?

To be eligible for porcelain veneers, you must be in good oral health. Therefore, you should be free of extensive tooth decay or gum disease. Both of these issues can impede the success of your treatment and can put you at risk for further dental problems. Therefore, if these problems are present, they must be treated first. Secondly, you must have reasonably straight teeth. Although veneers can sometimes address slightly crooked teeth, severe misalignment can compromise the restorations. Thirdly, candidates for porcelain veneers should not grind or clench their teeth. If you suffer from bruxism, you may not be eligible for treatment. Finally, you must practice excellent oral hygiene habits. Daily brushing and flossing is a significant factor in keeping your smile looking great.

Can Porcelain Veneers Correct My Gapped Teeth?

Porcelain veneers are an excellent option for correcting small gaps between the teeth. However, it is important to note that for larger gaps, more veneers will be required to address the issue. However, in many cases, porcelain veneers are the most dramatic and aesthetically pleasing option.

If you choose porcelain veneers for gapped teeth, the treatment can typically be completed in two office visits. During your first appointment, the teeth will be prepared by removing slight amounts of enamel. Once this is complete, impressions will be taken of your mouth. These will be sent to a dental lab, where an experienced ceramist will craft your new restorations. This process typically takes about one to two weeks. In the meantime, Dr. Wilderman can place temporary veneers. Once your lab case is returned to our office, we will schedule you for your second appointment. During this visit, Dr. Wilderman will bond your porcelain veneers in place and make any necessary final adjustments. The result is a dramatic new smile everyone is sure to notice.

Find Out if You are a Candidate for Porcelain Veneers

If you have gapped teeth, you may not have to wear braces. Porcelain veneers can deliver a brand-new smile in just two visits. Schedule a consultation at our office to explore your treatment options. Or, if you have questions or concerns, one of our team members can assist you. Call us at (215) 340-1199 or contact us online anytime.