Artistic Expressions Dentistry

If Your Teeth Have Shifted after Braces, Consider Invisalign®

Dec 13, 2017 @ 09:00 AM — by Bruce Wilderman
Tagged with: Invisalign Cosmetic Dentistry

If you had braces, you may initially have been delighted with the results. Nonetheless, as time has gone by, your teeth may have shifted in your mouth. In other cases, braces may never have fully achieved your desired results. In either of these instances, you may qualify for Invisalign at our Philadelphia, PA area practice.

Using the Invisalign custom aligner trays, we can move your teeth into proper alignment to help you achieve a more attractive smile. Plus, your follow-up treatment will typically be faster and easier than your initial orthodontic regimen. To find out if you are a candidate, contact Dr. Bruce Wilderman’s practice today.

How Do Braces and Invisalign Differ?

Braces and Invisalign are based on similar principles, and they can address most of the same issues. These include cosmetic concerns, such as overlapping or gapped teeth, as well as more serious misalignment, like overbites and underbites.

However, while braces are comprised of wires and metal brackets, Invisalign uses clear aligner trays. Placing gentle pressure on your teeth, the aligners will cause your teeth to shift in your mouth over the course of several months.

Instead of visiting the dentist every six weeks to have your braces tightened, you will simply switch to the next tray in the series about every two weeks.  Each tray will be custom crafted to accommodate the gradual changes in your dental alignment.

When Is Invisalign Appropriate after Braces?

Braces can often achieve permanent results. On the other hand, your teeth may start to shift back to their original locations, although they may not be as severely misaligned as they were at first.

That is why it is so important to wear your retainer after your braces come off. Invisalign can be a good solution if you neglected to wear a retainer. The treatment can also be helpful if your teeth have shifted, despite your best efforts.

Furthermore, if you previously had severely crooked teeth, they may still not be properly aligned after braces. Invisalign can be a good follow-up, helping to achieve the final adjustments needed.

Invisalign can address mild to moderate misalignment. It is not typically appropriate for severe malocclusion. However, if you have already had braces, your orthodontic issues are probably less pronounced. Therefore, Invisalign may be the optimal solution.

The Benefits of Invisalign after Traditional Orthodontia

While it is possible to do a second round of braces, Invisalign offers a number of advantages:

Contact Us for an Orthodontic Consultation

If your teeth have started to shift now that your braces have come off, you may feel discouraged. Fortunately, with Invisalign, retreatment may be much easier than you ever expected. Contact our office online to find out if clear aligners are right for you.