Artistic Expressions Dentistry

Invisalign® Treatment for an Underbite

Nov 29, 2017 @ 09:00 AM — by Bruce Wilderman
Tagged with: Invisalign Cosmetic Dentistry

When the teeth or jaw are not in proper alignment, it can lead to oral health complications, including compromised oral functions. But what is usually most noticeable to patients is the affect that malocclusion problems have on the appearance of the smile.

At Artistic Expressions Dentistry, Dr. Bruce Wilderman offers Invisalign® treatment to straighten the teeth and improve the overall health and appearance of the smile. Invisalign® is a more convenient and discreet alternative to traditional braces.

Many patients with an underbite wonder if Invisalign® treatment is right for them. Dr. Wilderman is happy to discuss Invisalign® for underbite and let his Philadelphia, PA patients know if they are ideal candidates for this treatment.

Can Invisalign® Correct an Underbite?

Invisalign® treatment corrects common malocclusion problems, including overcrowded teeth, gapped teeth, an overbite, or an underbite. However, there are certain limitations to Invisalign® treatment. Dr. Wilderman will thoroughly examine each patient’s smile to determine what is causing the underbite, and whether Invisalign® can sufficiently correct the problem.

If the underbite is caused by misaligned teeth, Invisalign® treatment should be able to effectively improve the bite and enhance the appearance of the smile. However, if the jaw is misaligned, the patient may require alternative orthodontic treatment or surgery.

The Invisalign® Process

Invisalign® treatment takes place in multiple stages. The first stage of treatment is an examination to determine if Invisalign® is an appropriate means of treatment for each patient. If the patient is an ideal candidate for Invisalign®, the next step will consist of taking digital images of the mouth that will be used to customize a treatment plan and fabricate a series of Invisalign® aligner trays.

Once a patient’s aligner trays are complete, Dr. Wilderman will provide the patient with detailed instructions for their use. The aligner trays are made of clear, BPA-free plastic. They fit comfortably over the teeth and blend in so that they are virtually invisible.

For Invisalign® treatment to be a success, patients must wear their aligners for at least 20 to 22 hours per day. Every two weeks, patients will switch to a new set of aligners. This ensures that the teeth continue to receive the pressure that is needed to encourage their movement.

Benefits of Invisalign®

Invisalign® offers a number of benefits that make them stand out from traditional braces, which is why many of our patients prefer Invisalign® for the treatment of their underbite. Some of the greatest advantages of Invisalign® treatment include:

Contact Us

If you have an underbite that is compromising the health or beauty of your smile, you may be an ideal candidate for Invisalign® treatment. To learn more about the Invisalign® process and whether it is right for your unique situation, contact us at your earliest convenience.