Artistic Expressions Dentistry

Tooth Sensitivity and Exposed Tooth Roots

Jul 12, 2016 @ 09:58 AM — by Bruce Wilderman
Tagged with: General Dentistry Restorative Dentistry

Although the American Dental Association recommends that people visit their local general dentistry practice at least twice a year for professional cleanings and thorough oral exams, most people don’t actually follow this advice. They may have good intentions, brushing and flossing their teeth after each meal and avoiding an excess of sugary snacks between meals. Many of these people might even plan to start going to the dentist regularly someday, but as for right now - well, their smiles look great, and their mouths are pain free, so there’s no rush.

Then one day, something doesn’t feel quite right. They take in a breath or take a sip of ice water and - ouch. Tooth sensitivity has set in, seemingly overnight. What happened, exactly?

Tooth sensitivity can result from a number of possible causes, most of which can be prevented through proper oral hygiene and regular trips to the dentist. Fortunately, once tooth sensitivity has taken hold, most of the causes can also be addressed through general dentistry treatments, such as those available at Artistic Expressions Dentistry, the practice of acclaimed general and cosmetic dentist Bruce Wilderman.

First, of course, Dr. Wilderman must diagnose the underlying issue causing the tooth sensitivity. One of the most common causes is exposed tooth roots. In discussing tooth sensitivity and exposed tooth roots with patients of his Philadelphia, PA dental practice, Dr. Wilderman explains both the options for treatment and how to prevent the problem from occurring again.

If you are suffering from tooth sensitivity, we invite you to schedule your initial consultation with Dr. Wilderman today.

What Causes Tooth Roots to Become Exposed?

Tooth roots are, as the roots of a plant or a tree, not meant to be exposed to the elements. They are strong and secure as long as they are shielded from outside forces; however, when they are not protected, they can become fragile and highly vulnerable. Just as plants and trees grow from their roots, teeth also grow from theirs.

The roots of teeth are protected from the elements by both hard and soft tissues, namely the jawbones and the periodontal tissues, or the gums. As long as these tissues are healthy and intact, tooth roots are safe from outside forces. However, gum disease is the most common of all diseases, affecting roughly 75 percent of the population. While it can easily be controlled in its earliest stages, gum disease can progress into its more harmful latter stage - periodontitis - in those who do not visit the dentist routinely. In this stage, the gum tissues can begin to recede, exposing the delicate tooth roots. Tooth sensitivity is just one sign that things are going wrong in the mouth. Eventually, the gums will pull away from the tooth, and the jawbone will begin to degrade, as well.  Tooth loss will be inevitable if the gum disease is left untreated.

It is for this reason that tooth sensitivity should never be taken lightly. If you are experiencing tooth sensitivity, it is important that you undergo an oral exam as soon as possible.

Learn More about Tooth Sensitivity and Exposed Tooth Roots

To learn more about tooth sensitivity and exposed tooth roots, please contact Artistic Expressions Dentistry today.