Artistic Expressions Dentistry

Teeth Whitening Can Enhance Your Smile after Braces

Mar 7, 2016 @ 09:00 AM — by Bruce Wilderman
Tagged with: Teeth Whitening Cosmetic Dentistry

Braces can do wonders for the smile, correcting alignment problems and improving the appearance of crooked teeth. However, some patients will discover white spots on their teeth after their braces are removed while others may simply wish to enhance the brilliance of their smile. Professional tooth whitening treatments can help restore the luster and vibrancy of stained and discolored teeth, dramatically improving the smile's appearance. To discover your teeth whitening options after braces, we invite you to schedule a consultation with Philadelphia, PA dentist Bruce Wilderman.

Teeth Whitening and Braces

Unfortunately, some patients may find their teeth have become discolored during orthodontics treatment. White spots may appear on the teeth when the teeth are not properly cared for while wearing braces. These white spots are signs of decalcification and occur as a result of plaque buildup around the braces. Patients who have taken good care of their teeth while wearing braces generally won't develop such discoloration, however, they may still wish to undergo teeth whitening to boost the vibrancy of their newly revealed smile.

Teeth whitening can help reduce the appearance of white spots and general discoloration after braces, but should not be done while wearing braces as this can cause uneven whitening of the teeth and damage the cement used to bond the braces in place. Even using whitening toothpaste while wearing braces can lead to uneven whitening, leaving the tooth yellow where the brackets of the braces attached. Once the braces are removed and the teeth are cleaned of any cement used during braces treatment, teeth whitening can be performed. Patients may want to wait about four weeks after braces as the teeth may be more sensitive immediately after braces are removed.

Teeth Whitening Treatments to Boost Your Smile after Braces

Once the teeth are straightened, many patients look to teeth whitening treatment to add extra dazzle to their new smile. Dr. Wilderman offers a variety of teeth whitening treatments to further enhance your appearance after braces treatment, including:

Is Teeth Whitening Right for You?

To find out if teeth whitening is right for you, we welcome you to schedule a consultation with Dr. Wilderman.