Artistic Expressions Dentistry

Five Common Causes of Tooth Pain

Jul 10, 2014 @ 09:38 AM — by Bruce Wilderman
Tagged with: Toothaches Restorative Dentistry General Dental Care

We can handle many different health issues here at Artistic Expressions Dentistry. This is why patients throughout the greater Philadelphia area come to our practice, which offers advanced retorative dentistry to improve your dental health and state-of-the-art cosmetic dentistry to enhance the appearance of your smile.

One of the most common dental problems that patients experience is tooth pain. Let's look at five common causes of toothaches and then consider how they can be treated and prevented.

Cause #1: Cavities and Tooth Decay

Cavities and tooth decay are both very common causes of toothaches and tooth pain. In fact, a common sign of a serious cavity is tooth pain or tooth sensitivity.

Cause #2: Injuries and Trauma to the Teeth

Another common cause of toothaches is trauma to the mouth area. This can occur as a result of assaults, auto accidents or bike accidents, slips and falls, sports accidents, and so on.

Cause #3: Tooth Grinding (Bruxism)

Tooth grinding (the unconscious shifting, clenching, and gnashing of the teeth while a person is asleep) can cause the teeth to feel sore and can even lead to chips and cracks in a person's tooth structure.

Cause #4: Infection of a Tooth

When the pulp within a tooth becomes infected, it can lead to serious pain. This infection often occurs following a serious injury to the tooth or case of tooth decay.

Cause #5: Gum Disease

While you're think that periodontal infections only affect the gums, gum disease can lead to tooth decay at the gumline, loose teeth, and changes in tooth alignment.

Dental Care Treatments for Tooth Pain

The best option to address your toothache will depend on the actual cause of the dental pain.

Tips for Preventing Toothaches and Tooth Pain

If you want to prevent toothaches and pain, it's a good idea to consider the following:

Learn More About Your Dental Treatment Options

For more information about tooth pain and improving your overall dental health in the process, be sure to contact our cosmetic and restorative dentistry center today. Dr. Bruce Wilderman and his entire team will help you have a smile that looks great and is healthy as well.