Artistic Expressions Dentistry

How to Prevent Gum Erosion

May 31, 2012 @ 10:37 AM — by
Tagged with: Gum Erosion Gum Disease Restorative Dentistry

The health of your mouth depends on more than just taking care of your teeth. Our gums play a significant role in both our oral health and the aesthetics of our smiles. Although gum erosion is a serious concern, the condition can be slowed and even prevented. At our Philadelphia cosmetic dentistry practice, Dr. Bruce Wilderman is skilled in treating mild to severe gum erosion, and can help you to achieve and maintain the vitality of your gums.

What Is Gum Erosion?

Gum erosion, also called gum recession, occurs when the gums deteriorate or pull away from the tooth, exposing the sensitive underlying root structure. In addition to weakening the stability of a tooth and causing tooth sensitivity, gum erosion also allows tooth decay to form underneath the gum line. Tooth decay below the gums may require more extensive treatments such as oral surgery. While healthy gums are pink, do not bleed, and are not recessed, gums affected by erosion are sometimes red, swollen, and may bleed easily as a result of accompanying gum disease. Other symptoms of gum erosion include teeth that appear longer than normal, teeth that change color and texture near the gum line, and tooth sensitivity.

Common Causes of Gum Erosion

Gum erosion has many causes. The most common sources of gum erosion include:

Preventing Gum Disease

Since many cases of gum erosion are caused by gum disease, poor oral hygiene, and aggressive brushing, the best way to prevent is gum erosion is an appropriate oral health plan. Daily flossing is necessary to clean the gums, and teeth should be brushed twice daily to remove bacteria and plaque. If hard brushing is accelerating the erosion of your gums, be sure to use a soft-bristled tooth brush to alleviate gum loss. Regular cleanings should be performed by your dentist to remove any hard debris like tartar, and assess for oral health risks.

Dental Care Treatments for Gum Erosion

When patients have gum erosion or gum disease, there are periodontal treatments available to correct the problem. We offer a variety of procedures such as root planing and scaling, and technologically-advanced laser gum reshaping. If the health and appearance of your mouth need comprehensive treatment, we have successfully improved the health and smile aesthetics of our Philadelphia full mouth reconstruction patients. A full mouth reconstruction combines restorative, cosmetic, and general dentistry procedures to treat all aspects of your mouth with superior results.

Learn More about Our Treatments for Gum Erosion

If you’re concerned about the health of your gums or any other part of your mouth, we have many modern treatment options that will restore your smile. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Wilderman and learn more, please contact our Philadelphia cosmetic dentistry center.